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onbrand 1.0.7 (development version)

  • Added the ability to specify the rows (prows) and columns (pcols) when calling ft_apply_md()

onbrand 1.0.6

CRAN release: 2024-09-23

  • Updated default PowerPoint template with a wider slide.
  • Added function mk_lg_tbl() to create example datasets for demonstrating/testing span_table

onbrand 1.0.5

CRAN release: 2024-02-05

  • Stripped out the slip_in_seqfield and slip_in_text functions

onbrand 1.0.4

CRAN release: 2023-12-08

  • Added the ability to place content in arbitrary locations on slides in PowerPoint.

onbrand 1.0.3

CRAN release: 2023-07-16

Table formatting

  • Added functions to take a large table and create smaller tables to span across multiple pages in reports (span_table() and build_span())

  • Render markdown in specified part of a flext table (ft_apply_md())

onbrand 1.0.2

CRAN release: 2021-12-20

Changes to yaml file format

  • The addition of notes option for tables and figures in Word reporting requires the Notes document default be added to any report.yaml files:
  Notes: Notes
  • Added the formatting options for separator (regional configuration variable that seems to be different between Europe and the US), and several table and figure formatting options: order, sequence IDs, and how numbering will be done (allows Figure 1 or Figure 3-1 (for section 3), etc.)
  separator:                 ","
    - table
    - notes
    - caption
    - figure
    - notes
    - caption
  Figure_Seq_Id:             "Figure"
  Figure_Number: |-
    list(officer::run_autonum(pre_label  = "",
                              seq_id     = Caption_Seq_Id,
                              post_label = "",
                              start_at   = Caption_Start_At))
  Table_Seq_Id:              "Table"
  Table_Number: |-
    list(officer::run_autonum(pre_label  = "",
                              seq_id     = Caption_Seq_Id,
                              post_label = "",
                              start_at   = Caption_Start_At))
  • Adding post_processing option for rdocx and rpptx sections. These can be omitted or set to NULL and they will have no effect. Any R code here is evaluated just before saving (when running save_report()) and you can modify the object rpt (the officer report object from the obnd object).
  post_processing: NULL
  post_processing: NULL

Minor Improvements

  • Added fig_start_at and tab_start_at arguments to report_add_doc_content() to support chapter specific numbering (e.g. Figure 3-1, Figure 3-2, Figure 4-1, etc).

  • Added notes option for tables and figures in Word reporting.

  • Created ftext formatting for captions and notes added to figures and tables.

  • Support for multipage figures and tables (e.g. pagenated figures). By specifying the same key for a figure (or table) the first instance will be the figure and subsequent instances will be references to the first.

  • Support for crossreferencing figures and tables with markdown.

onbrand 1.0.1

CRAN release: 2021-09-02

Minor Improvements

  • updated diagnostic messages to include package name

  • added

  • Added the function template_details

    • Provide onbrand names for template elements
    • Created tests
    • Updated vignettes

onbrand 1.0.0

CRAN release: 2021-07-12

  • Submitted to CRAN