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Appends content to the body of a Word document


  type = NULL,
  content = NULL,
  fig_start_at = NULL,
  tab_start_at = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE



onbrand report object


Type of content to add


Content to add


Indicates that you want to restart figure numbering at the specified value (e.g. 1) after adding this content a value of NULL (default) will ignore this option.


Indicates that you want to restart figure numbering at the specified value (e.g. 1) after adding this content a value of NULL (default) will ignore this option.


Boolean variable when set to TRUE (default) messages will be displayed on the terminal; Messages will be included in the returned onbrand object.


onbrand object with the content added to the body or isgood set to FALSE with any messages in the msgs field. The isgood value is a Boolean variable indicating the current state of the object.


For each content types listed below the different content outlined is expected. Text can be specified in different formats: "text" indicates plain text, "fpar" is formatted text defined by the fpar command from the officer package, "ftext" is a list of formatted text defined by the ftext command, and "md" is text formatted in markdown format (?md_to_officer for markdown details).

  • "break" page break, content is (NULL) and a page break will be inserted here

  • "ph" adds placeholder text substitution

    • "name" placeholder name (value in body of text surrounded by three equal signs, e.g. if you have "===MYPH===". in the document the name is just "MYPH")

    • "value" value to be substituted into the placeholder ("my text")

    • "location" document location where the placeholder will be located (either "header", "footer", or "body")

  • "toc" generates the table of contents, and content is a list that must contain __one__ of the following.

    • "level" number indicating the depth of the contents to display (default: 3)

    • "style" string containing the onbrand style name to use to build the TOC

  • "section" formats the current document section

    • "section_type" type of section to apply, either "columns", "continuous", "landscape", "portrait", "columns", or "columns_landscape"

    • "width" override the default page width with this value in inches (NULL)

    • "height" override the default page height with this value in inches (NULL)

    • "widths" column widths in inches, number of columns set by number of values (NULL)

    • "space" space in inches between columns (NULL)

    • "sep" Boolean value controlling line separating columns (FALSE)

  • "text" content is a list containing a paragraph of text with the following elements

    • "text" string containing the text content either a string or the output of "fpar" for formatted text.

    • "style" string containing the style to use (default NULL will use the doc_def, Text style)

    • "format" string containing the format, either "text", "fpar", or "md" (default NULL assumes "text" format)

  • "imagefile" content is a list containing information describing an image file with the following elements

    • image string containing path to image file

    • caption caption of the image (NULL)

    • caption_format string containing the format, either "text", "ftext", or "md" (default NULL assumes "text" format)

    • notes notes to add under the image (NULL)

    • notes_format string containing the format, either "text", "ftext", or "md" (default NULL assumes "text" format)

    • key unique key for cross referencing e.g. "FIG_DATA" (NULL)

    • height height of the image (NULL)

    • width width of the image (NULL)

  • "ggplot" content is a list containing a ggplot object, (eg. p = ggplot() + ....) with the following elements

    • image ggplot object

    • caption caption of the image (NULL)

    • caption_format string containing the format, either "text", "ftext", or "md" (default NULL assumes "text" format)

    • notes notes to add under the image (NULL)

    • notes_format string containing the format, either "text", "ftext", or "md" (default NULL assumes "text" format)

    • key unique key for cross referencing e.g. "FIG_DATA" (NULL)

    • height height of the image (NULL)

    • width width of the image (NULL)

  • "table" content is a list containing the table content and other options with the following elements:

    • table data frame containing the tabular data

    • "style" string containing the style to use (default NULL will use the doc_def, Table style)

    • caption caption of the table (NULL)

    • caption_format string containing the format, either "text", "ftext", or "md" (default NULL assumes "text" format)

    • notes notes to add under the image (NULL)

    • notes_format string containing the format, either "text", "ftext", or "md" (default NULL assumes "text" format)

    • key unique key for cross referencing e.g. "TAB_DATA" (NULL)

    • header Boolean variable to control displaying the header (TRUE)

    • first_row Boolean variable to indicate that the first row contains header information (TRUE)

  • "flextable" content is a list containing flextable content and other options with the following elements (defaults in parenthesis):

    • table data frame containing the tabular data

    • caption caption of the table (NULL)

    • caption_format string containing the format, either "text", "ftext", or "md" (default NULL assumes "text" format)

    • notes notes to add under the image (NULL)

    • notes_format string containing the format, either "text", "ftext", or "md" (default NULL assumes "text" format)

    • key unique key for cross referencing e.g. "TAB_DATA" (NULL)

    • header_top, header_middle, header_bottom (NULL) a list with the same names as the data frame names containing the tabular data and values with the header text to show in the table

    • header_format string containing the format, either "text", or "md" (default NULL assumes "text" format)

    • merge_header (TRUE) Set to true to combine column headers with the same information

    • table_body_alignment, table_header_alignment ("center") Controls alignment

    • table_autofit (TRUE) Automatically fit content, or specify the cell width and height with cwidth (0.75) and cheight (0.25)

    • table_theme ("theme_vanilla") Table theme

  • "flextable_object" content is a list specifying the a user defined flextable object with the following elements:

    • ft flextable object

    • caption caption of the table (NULL)

    • caption_format string containing the format, either "text", "ftext", or "md" (default NULL assumes "text" format)

    • notes notes to add under the image (NULL)

    • notes_format string containing the format, either "text", "ftext", or "md" (default NULL assumes "text" format)

    • key unique key for cross referencing e.g. "TAB_DATA" (NULL)


# Read  Word template into an onbrand object
obnd = read_template(
 template = file.path(system.file(package="onbrand"), "templates", "report.docx"),
 mapping  = file.path(system.file(package="onbrand"), "templates", "report.yaml"))

# The examples below use the following packages

# Adding text
obnd = report_add_doc_content(obnd,
  type     = "text",
  content  = list(text="Text with no style specified will use the doc_def text format."))

# Text formatted with fpar
fpartext = fpar(
ftext("Formatted text can be created using the ", prop=NULL),
ftext("fpar ", prop=fp_text(color="green")),
ftext("command from the officer package.", prop=NULL))

obnd = report_add_doc_content(obnd,
 type     = "text",
 content  = list(text   = fpartext,
                 format = "fpar",
                 style  = "Normal"))

# Text formatted with markdown
mdtext = "Formatted text can be created using
**<color:green>markdown</color>** formatting"
obnd = report_add_doc_content(obnd,
 type     = "text",
 content  = list(text   = mdtext,
                 format = "md",
                 style  = "Normal"))

# Adding figures
p = ggplot() + annotate("text", x=0, y=0, label = "picture example")
imgfile = tempfile(pattern="image", fileext=".png")
ggsave(filename=imgfile, plot=p, height=5.15, width=9, units="in")

# From an image file:
obnd = report_add_doc_content(obnd,
type     = "imagefile",
content  = list(image   = imgfile,
               caption = "This is an example of an image from a file."))

# From a ggplot object
obnd = report_add_doc_content(obnd,
type     = "imagefile",
content  = list(image   = imgfile,
               caption = "This is an example of an image from a file."))

#Adding tables
tdf =    data.frame(Parameters = c("Length", "Width", "Height"),
                Values     = 1:3,
                Units      = c("m", "m", "m") )

# Word table
tab_cont = list(table   = tdf,
               caption = "Word Table.")
obnd = report_add_doc_content(obnd,
 type     = "table",
 content  = tab_cont)

# onbrand flextable abstraction:
tab_cont = list(table   = tdf,
               caption = "Word Table.")
obnd = report_add_doc_content(obnd,
type     = "table",
content  = tab_cont)

# flextable object
tab_fto = flextable(tdf)
obnd = report_add_doc_content(obnd,
 type     = "flextable_object",
 content  = list(ft=tab_fto,
                 caption  = "Flextable object created by the user."))

# Saving the report output
save_report(obnd, tempfile(fileext = ".docx"))
#> $isgood
#> [1] TRUE
#> $msgs